Some words about me

Joachim Stein


  • The idea of Europe united in peace and freedom which today seems to be more important than ever since the end of the cold war
  • The civil, liberal and cultural traditions of Frankfurt am Main, the old town of Fairs and Emperor Coronations, in which I grew up
  • The Hungarian-Czech Viennese Blood of my ancestors and the wonderful town of Vienna itself with its history, its tradition, its literature, its music, its art ...
  • The old and mostly revolutionary town of silk workers and gourmets, Lyon, capital of the Beaujolais and maybe the most beautiful French town where I found friends and spent lots of time
  • The humanistic education of the two classical secondary schools Lessing and Gagern in Frankfurt as well as the studies of Romance and Slavic languages and literature at the universities Johann Wolfgang Goethe in Frankfurt and Lumière Lyon II

At present:

  • Programmer in a public authority in Berlin
  • Exploring the former and new German capital as well as the eastern parts of Germany and Europe
  • Principal interests besides the Belle Epoque: Modern Architecture, cinema, opera and concerts, literature